遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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Founded in 2005, the 写作中心 is a place for 上学校 students to seek out a peer's advice on writing assignments in any subject. A total of 30 teacher-nominated Writing Advisors from the junior and senior classes conduct more than 250 conferences each semester. Writing advisors receive ongoing training to learn different techniques for identifying and correcting common writing problems.

学生 are welcome to bring assignments in any stage of development, but the earlier in the process the better, says former writing advisor Amanda Amorosi '16:

One of the most important parts of the writing process that is commonly overlooked is 头脑风暴. Talking out an idea does wonders to clarify the various thoughts that often clutter a writer’s head when first trying to tackle a topic, and many times they discover something they had never thought about before when bouncing ideas off of someone with a different perspective.

访问ing Authors and Writers in Residence

The 写作中心, under the direction of 上学校 English teachers Robynne Graffam '86 and Alicia Evans, is also the nexus for GA's 访问ing Authors and Writers in Residence programs. Many established novelists, 诗人, 剧作家, and journalists have spoken on campus or spent a week leading classes and special seminars. Interacting with talented, passionate writers opens up a whole new realm for students to contemplate, and the 写作中心 serves as an important bridge between academic and real-world writing.